Covid-19 Pandemic: Mental Health Services Need to be Prioritised to Prevent Possible Devastating Consequences

The Alliance for Mental Health, has issued a Statement about the effects that the Covid-19 Pandemic is leaving on our mental health both directly in those hit by the condition and indirectly through the social and economical repercussions that it is causing.

It is imperative for Mental Health Services not to be overlooked in order to prevent deteriorating mental health which could lead to possible serious repercussions including hospitalisation and people succumbing to desperate ideation.

To this end, the United Nations urge that Governments make Mental Health Service Delivery during the Covid-19 Pandemic a priority.

“Mental Health Services should be an essential part of all government responses to the COVID-19. They must be expanded and fully funded”.

United Nations, 2020

A4MH note that the closure of the psychiatric Outpatients Department along with the Psychiatric Unit at Mater Dei Hospital means the complete removal of any mental health presence at the general hospital; which is the opposite direction of what was published in the Mental Health Strategy 2020-2030. The development of community mental health services is important, but it has to be ensured that ALL the necessary resources are in place in order to run them.

It is in the nations’ best interest, that people are able to deal with the psychological impact of this pandemic. Otherwise, we risk a universal depression and its aftermath can be much more devastating than the physical effects of COVID-19.

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