How do I submit my CPD information?

Each member is expected to hand in information relevant to their CPD activities by the end of each Academic year. In order to do this members need to be logged in the Member’s Area.

Submitting Your Information

Once you access the CPD page you are requested to input information on each CPD activity carried out separately. The following is the information requested for each activity:

  • Title: Name the type of activity carried out as well as its title. Type of activity includes whether it is a conference, symposium, course, clinical audit, research etc.
  • CPD Domain: Choose type of CPD Domain the activity falls under. One activity may fall under more than one domain in which case it is up to the member to decide which fits best. Click here for more information about the different domains.
  • Learning Method: Choose whether the CPD activity was carried out online or using traditional face to face methods of teaching.
  • No of Credits: Input the number of credits earned for each activity.
  • Date obtained: Choose the date the activity was carried out.
  • Upload CPD Evidence: This feature is required only for external CPD activities (see below for more details).

Once you have input all the information press submit and the information will be saved.

You can find a short video on how to input your CPD information here.

Evidence for CPD Activities

CPD credits can be earned through internal activities, such as seminars, grand ward rounds etc. organized by the MAP. Credits can also be earned through external activities that fall under the domains discussed above organized by external entities.

  • Internal activities organized by MAP do not require you to upload evidence since MAP will already be in possession of evidence of participation to the activity.
  • Members need to upload evidence of any external CPD activity carried out by uploading a relevant certificate in .pdf format (2MB maximum file size).
  • If the CPD activity is self-accredited a self-reflective note should be uploaded as evidence. Examples of self-accredited CPD may include the learning experience while carrying out a clinical audit or in preparation for delivering a postgraduate exam. Typically 1 credit is accredited for every 1 hour of the activity. The reflective note should include:
  • A description of the purpose of the learning activity.
  • What was learned from the activity carried out.
  • The application of what is learned to the individual’s practice.
  • Identification of future actions.

Deleting and Archiving Information

Entries can be individually deleted once submitted during the same Academic Year. There is a deadline of 1 month after the end of each Academic Year, after which no new entries for the previous Academic Year can be entered and old entries will be automatically archived and you will be unable to delete them.

Click here to watch step by step instructions by video on how to input your information.

Click here to input your CPD information now.