You can apply for membership with the Maltese Association of Psychiatry (MAP) below. Your online application will be reviewed by the Executive Committee once submitted. Once fulfilment of the eligibility criteria is confirmed as set in Article 3(i) of the Statute you can proceed with payment. Registration will be complete once payment is confirmed and you will be notified by e-mail. Payment fees are as follows:
Full Membership 2024: €80 / Year 2025 onwards: €100/Year
Associate Membership 2024: €15 / Year 2025 onwards: €20/Year
By registering online you will gain membership to the MAP as well as be given full access to the Member’s Area of the website containing news and updates specifically relevant to MAP members. MAP membership is to be paid yearly and you will be notified beforehand when this is due. If the payment due date elapses access to the Member’s Area will be deactivated but your account will not be deleted. Your account will be reactivated once the situation is ratified and payment is confirmed.
You can delete your account whenever you choose and your details will be deleted. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details on how we handle your personal information. The online account is independent of MAP membership thus you may choose to delete your online account while still retaining MAP membership. Should you wish to officially resign from the MAP please refer to Article 3(iv) of the Statute.
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